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Freehead Skate Instructions
Welcome to Freehead Skate, an exhilarating game where you control a character with a detachable head while skateboarding through various obstacles. To jump over obstacles on the ground, press the A key, allowing your character's body to make impressive leaps. When faced with taller obstacles, you can detach your character's head by pressing a designated key, the S key to make the head jump through the air. Be cautious, though, as your head becomes vulnerable to obstacles while detached. Collect points by successfully navigating the course, and watch out for bonus items or power-ups that can boost your score. However, be careful not to collide with obstacles, as doing so will reduce your health or score. Progress through different levels with increasing difficulty, aiming for the highest score possible and competing for a top spot on the leaderboard. Enjoy the fun and unique gameplay of Freehead Skate, and remember to time your jumps precisely to master this thrilling challenge.

Common Core State Standards
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
